the blue gate and the blue fence at a blueberry establishment in northernmost new england. what these giant blueberries are fashioned from i do not know. but they circle the entire area with each gigantic berry linked to the next by chain. in contrast below is the real thing photographed at the point on a brilliantly clear beautiful maine morning.
ok, i'm jealous AGAIN! i saw a tiny basket of blueberries once in the supermercado. since they were 'imported' they were priced as though they were solid gold so i just gazed at them. they use the same word in spanish for blueberries and for cranberries here. with the addition of 'blue' or 'red'. jg
can you post how to say their names in spanish?? i mean, how to spell them...:>
that would be arandano (accent on the first a. (or arando in portuguese.) the word is also used for bilberries.
Wow, what memories of my days as a New Englander . . . we always had a dozen blueberry bushes in our backyard. Now we just get these little dry blue things at the grocery store . . . not even close!!
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