28 May 2010

they're back!

despite our best efforts to eradicate them year after year, the non-so-pretties are back again. and i almost am.


ershadsocal said...

Exquisitely beautiful.I really love this kind of flowers against the background of greenery. Thanks

Irene said...

Is it a native plant or was it imported from somewhere? It seems that people are very busy trying to eradicate it. Do you try to tame it at all or does it grow wild all over your garden? It's a pretty flower.

My Walkabout said...

hope you are feeling better, and love your photo.

chris said...

Nora: this is not a native plant. i don't even know if it was native to the area i got it from. all i know is i have never seen anything spread like this has - and be as difficult to get rid of. thankfully, it's not in the garden - but it's everywhere else. there are lots of open, wild spaces here so it doesn't look too bad - but that also makes it all the more difficult to try to control. i understand so much more now about native and invasive species having had this tiny little transplant so many years back.

Kate said...

Nice photo! Sorry it's so hard to get rid of - but at least it's pretty! :)

Glad to see you in my google reader this morning, hopefully that means you're feeling better!

Lynne said...

Good to hear you're on the mend.

It looks very pretty but I can understand your frustration!

We once made the mistake of letting onion weed (Nothoscordum inodorum)grow in our garden because the flower was cute! Big pain to remove hundreds of bulbs! We never succeeded! Link here if you're interested: http://www.yates.com.au/problem-solver/problems/onion-weed/

Anonymous said...

why it is 'non so pretties'?? they are pretty....n so u are...not pretty but cute with your ethnic senses...huh...

Unknown said...

It's gorgeous, but I understand trying to get rid of a plant you don't want. It's annoying no matter how beautiful it is.

Sey said...

they look pretty from the way you captured them.