02 May 2010

time lost

over the weekend, i spent some time with a friend i'd not seen in forty plus years. we had a long and lovely afternoon of talking and sharing and attempting to get caught up not only with each others lives, but also with the lives of our mutual friends, back in the day. the visit made me wonder how rich and rewarding our friendship might have been all these years if we hadn't disconnected when we were younger. it was a happy afternoon with easy conversation and i still smile today thinking about it. i'm really glad to have my old friend back in my life again.


Kay said...

what a nice way to spend a day. So happy for you to reconnect with a long lost friend. As I get older I wonder so much about people who were in my life long ago and wish I could have had them with me all these years..

Shopper said...

How time does fly!

ershadsocal said...

Your writing made me nostalgic.I know how it is like to see an old friend. Thanks.

Lynne said...

Your post makes me glad for you and your friend and sad for myself. I had a falling out with my best friend on my 16th birthday - we have not spoken since; it was thirty seven years ago. I wish I could find her now just to apologise and maybe, maybe, we could share old memories!

Music in Media said...

really good blog thanks for posting :)

i write blogs about music, it would be great if you could give them a read if you have time?

Rory x

Tabor said...

Lucky you and smart to realize it!

Truth Ferret said...

Childhood/teenage friends hold special places in our hearts and how wonderful that you have reconnected to someone who was part of yours. What is wonderful is that your friend remembers you just like you were then.

Thank you for sharing such a sweet time with all of your fans.

Anonymous said...

that is so true lol, i've done that with a few of my friends you talk for hours and hours and don't want to stop, always good to meet up with old friends

Dani said...

:D What a nice thing to happen - I am naturally a very nostalgic person and hate it when I lose touch with someone. I think it's because of today's technology - it's possible to keep in touch so I try my best to do so. If we didn't have the technology, maybe I wouldn't be such a pain about it. :)

R. J. said...

You reminded me about how many people I would love to see again and continue friendships. However, I know that distance usually is the biggest challenge when you live separate lives three or four hours away, by air. It must be very rewarding to reconnect.

Anonymous said...

That's really sweet! :') I know how you feel too well not exactly cause I'm only 14 but I lost connection with one of my friends a couple of years ago nothing bad happened between us it was just that we stopped calling and i moved and lost her phone number and stuff, i really miss her and yeah but I'm really happy for you! :D

How I Like My Coffee said...

Makes me smile too.

I've Had Too Much To Think... said...

40+ years away? Wow - that's something amazing. Was this person exactly as you remembered them?

Kisma said...

AS usual, awesome post. It is nice when we can reconnect with old friends and remember life when it was good which brings some of that good from the past into the present!

Happy Monday!

Candid Blogger said...

Sounds like you had a great weekend! I would love your comments on my blog. Thecandidblogger@blogspot.com

-The Candid Blogger

Moodi Mumma said...

Congratulations on the reconnection of you and your friend. It gives me hope for the future, unfortunately my friendships from school have finally spilt ways. We are just in very different stages of our lives and it has been difficult for them to understand how different my life is from theirs being married and having 3 young children. With weddings, and engagements on their horizons, I hope it will not be too long until we can re-connect. Thank you for sharing your lovely blog :o)

-B said...

I've been following your blog now for over a year, and never commented until now; angels must be at work... Your post struck a chord, as I have also just reconnected with a lost friend after 30 plus years. We're still feeling our way around after such a long time apart, but I too am glad to have my old friend back in my life, and I pray that she is truly glad as well.

Anonymous said...

That's heartwarming! I always think if I had wanted to stay in touch with someone, I would have. And I have had many meetings where I think, "Why do we still try to get together and force conversations? We have nothing in common anymore." So, it's nice to hear stories of the opposite.

Pat Wahler said...

It's lovely to reconnect with someone with whom you have shared memories.


ethanlarsen said...

little sad. I hope you do catch up with all your peeps in the future!

Anonymous said...

Hi... Just like now, I'm also experiencing the distance between me and my friends. But, just this whole month of April, despite of work and whole other things.. Last April 10 and 24, we spent our summer vacations together. It's like a family reunion...even though we are tight up by work... if there's still communication love and friendship no one can tear that bond. No one. Have a Good Day! :)

Kane said...

Forty plus years... That's an awfully long time. I can only imagine how you must feel; nostalgica, wonder, joy. =)


Mirwanda said...

nice pics... you must be a pro!

Kumar Samuel said...

So glad for you Chris. I've re-met (and re-connected) with some friends recently. It was so rewarding and 'serendipitous'. Taking us back in time to talk over and reminisce about the things we did and enjoyed. Friends are so precious and I'm so glad we have them in our lives!

Kim Ritner said...

It's been interesting getting involved with the social networking of today. I have started to reconnect with friends from high school that I haven't seen since graduation. We all seem to have things in common, even though we've been separated by 30 years. I compare this to my children, who are in their 20's and they are connected to everyone they have ever met, making the world a very small place. Just an observation on society today. I wonder how my grandchildren will be communicating in 30 years.

Anonymous said...

Your blog make me miss my friends dear...

Things I Murmur At Times said...

My thumb rule ; I can say safely after reasonable years of experience for a friendship is very simple ; greater the detachment , better the chances of survival. I know many of you out there won’t second me , but i suggest you look around and probably …. you may agree with me. If friends and are closer , nearer and together , greater the chnaces of disagreements .. my take on friendship

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that really nice post. It truly is inspiring. There are so many friends that are just hard to reach because of how hectic life is, but your post reminds me that it is always worth trying, especially if they are true friends. You can visit my blog too if you want, lol; I love writing too. I'm a young aspiring author, and cosmetologist, hehe.

Jenny said...

Really nice blog. I, too, reconnected with an old friend last year and it was great.