a couple of times a week, i head west to work and, on my way, pass by this obviously dead tree,sitting just at the edge of a big cow field. it's been there for many many years, tall and stately and reaching high into the sky. it looks majestic in summer, stark white with so much lush green surrounding it. and in winter, its lightness is a contrast to all the other grey and black trunked, leafless trees. i'm not sure what kind of tree it is but i like it. i also can't imagine why it hasn't fallen yet.
very detailed and descriptive.
It looks beautiful against the green background.
Nice tree that is , I have always been fascinated by trees that loose all its leaves, and yet stand there majestically!
Great picture.
I like your picture - trees are so fascinating arn't they - especially those ghost trees - so beautiful
maybe the tree is there for a purpose like making people realize to hang on during hard times.
I can see you like this tree though It's dry and weird but why did you name it Ghost tree if you like it. It should be named mother nature secret..Or something mostly cuz you wonder why it hasn't fallened yet...
LuLuCenyLand: i named the tree that name because of the color - it's SO white. i'd love to go down and look at it -i'm assuming it's that color because the bark is gone. i like your tree name too, though - makes sense!
sEy:there have been lots of hard times in this part of the country. maybe you're right...
costas: thanks. always humbled by your comments. your work is so beautiful.
It still must have a deep reaching tap root, in spite of it dead appearance.
There is something striking in a lone, barren tree that has lost its will to live but still stands erect waiting for its fate. You got a new follower...me! Stop by my place for a tasty slice of pie. http://www.boomerpie.com/
I love old trees like that- even when they're dead they're still beautiful. I thought I was the only one who took pictures of dead trees! haha... I enjoy your blog by the way- it's a nice little break in my day to stop in and see what pictures and thoughts you have. :-)
Love this picture! I know your ghost tree is dead but I also love the look of trees in winter once they have shed their leaves. It's great to be able to see their "bones" and imagine them posing and reaching in different directions.
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