06 May 2010


really, how could i forget forget-me-nots when they are all around the house and all over the yard? this clump was found blooming by the house's granite foundation, yards and yards from the nearest garden, which must be where they came from. and look - see the fly?


ershadsocal said...

Thanks for the post.

fillet said...

I first thought it was touch me not, but it is a good reminder of that. Thanks

Unknown said...

Wow! I like your flowers, its amazing too, how you got to take the picture with the fly there.

ALL THAT I AM said...

They are just soo beautiful!

And yes, how can anyone miss the fly!

Great pic(as always)..

Good day

Rai said...

Hello, I just like to share that in my country that flower is called in Filipino term 'MAKAHIYA' here, they just grew every where most especially in grassy areas. Nice to know a person like you, who actually appreciates small details around you. Nice one! :) Good day! :)

Lynne said...

When I finished Year 6 (the last year of primary school here) I gave my teacher (a nun) a cup and saucer with forget-me-nots on it. That was the first time I had ever heard of those cute little flowers.

Anonymous said...

you know these forget-me-nots remind me of the touch-me-nots, which used to grow on my backyard...i miss my home...i miss my backyard!!

Tabor said...

Yes, that is what I will plant next year...this year? I had forgotten how prolific they become.

Matt Conlon said...

Perhaps the fly loved them so much, but didn't want to have to travel so far to see them, so he (she?) relocated them closer to home!

Heather said...

so beautiful! this is not helping with my overwhelming urge to go into debt just to own an amazing camera...

My Walkabout said...

that is a simply beautiful picture.

Jennifer Sue said...

I just stumbled upon your blog and I love it! You've inspired me to get my camera out more often. Thank you for the lovely pictures!

Angie said...

How pretty. :)

derya said...

I enjoy reading your blog..just feeling refreshed and smile..thanks for the smiles you created on my face, thanks for nice shots and thank for sharing your "instances" with us..


Shutterfairy said...

I love forget me nots.. wonderful photo.

Anonymous said...

Some of the most beautiful flowers in the world!

Crestfallen Side of Me said...

i have never seen a forget me not flower..:) nice shot by the way.:)

Jenny said...

These are growing in my garden and my husband said he didn't plant them. Now I know what they are. Easy to grow and prolific. My kind of flower.

SarahWalrus said...

That's gorgeous. Extremely gorgeous.

Anonymous said...
