so far this week, by post or by fedex, i have received four books, one jacket, a bottle of imported perfume, two shirts, a prescription, and the second DVD in a series of three. this may be an innovative way to shop, but it's not new. my grandmothers must have shopped like this, seeing only pictures and reading descriptions of their purchases and never dealing with the actual objects until they arrived in the home. don't you think internet shopping must be much the same as ordering from the old sears & roebuck catalog?
did you get more perfume from Ireland???
i did! it's all i wear now. for perfume, i mean!
What an interesting thought! The new isn't always as new as we think, sort of like my students thinking Credence Clearwater Revival is new music.
When I taught Greenville history as part of SC history for those few years, we did Tours Around Greenville, which featured a street of HOMES that were ordered from Sears! I haven't seen that on Amazon yet, but you never know.
when i was searching for a photo of a sears catalog, i found some pictures of those sears homes. they were so complete, so cute - and so inexpensive!
I guess you are right.
I think though this way of shopping is great. Having things delivered to your door is awesome and easy! I love it!
Nice blog by the way, just came through it.
ryne- thanks for the comment. i am a huge fan of online shopping. just click - and you own it!! but i think they make it a bit too easy. i don't find myself pondering purchases quite the way i used to!
ya you're right, you end up buying anything and then u kind of ask ursefl why have u done it!!
Is so easy that you end up forgetting it costs money!! jaja
I sometimes get too excited in amazon its like a game but then my conscience tells me STOP!!...anyway there's always the chance to sell it back right?!
What dvd is it?
sophia: it's the hbo series, john adams. i've been dying to see it. that's the reason i finally joined netflix!
ryne: i too love amazon - especially the resellers. i like the fact that i'm buying used books and not adding to the production of them. :-)
Absolutely. They ordered almost everything from the Sears catalogue or Monkey-Ward. You could even buy a rifle or a shotgun through the mail. Then when everyone was finished looking at the catalogue, it ended up in the outhouse.
it is some what the same in that the things they ordered came through the mail with one exception they looked at a catalog to order and they had to wait longer for the items to arrive
I swear my grandmother had a sears catalog just like that! She collected neat things anyway -
I suppose we are accomplishing the same thing just using a different method of ordering - who said online shopping was revolutionary???
It is an interesting thought! I remember when I was a kid, at Christmas time, my Grandma would bust out with the "wishbook" and I'd get to go through and mark all the pages for things I hoped I'd get for Christmas. Then, she'd get together with my Mom, order a few carefully selected items, and a few weeks later they'd magically be delivered to the house.
Now the only real difference is we have the internet at our disposal to look up product and seller reviews and better our chances at getting exactly what we were looking for. :) I love the internet!
you are absolutely right.....I never thought of it that way!!
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