yesterday in a store, as we passed the display of hanging plants, the little girl spotted pinwheels amongst the leaves and flowers. she was captivated with their shiny brilliance even before the wind set them in motion. we spent much too much shopping time blowing them and watching them twirl around. in the end, we bought several and placed them in garden spots and in plants around the yard where they will spin with wild abandon all summer long, much to the delight of both the little girl and her grandmother.
We never know what is of a little one's interest. Often an expensive toy does not interest them while some very insignificant things draws their attention.
it must have been the strongest wind 2 days ago, in scotland! nearly rip my flat off the ground! which reminded me of hong kong holidays. X(
study study study .... @.@ is there life after school?
Whimsy in one's life is most important and very much so when there is a garden.
Lovely! It's always so beautiful to me, when the little ones enjoy something so simple :)
I remember having those when I was a kid and running in the wind with them.
Great idea, placing them in your garden at home. I will have to do the same. My kids will love them!
Pinwheels are the best.
What a wonderful idea! I always loved pinwheels as a child and had never thought of putting them in the yard. We've not been getting much wind around here lately though as it's already very hot and humid. Have a great day! :)
seems like the little girl is intelligent. instead of asking of a toy she opt in getting the pinwheels.
What a perfect picture....I blew on my computer screen just to see if I could get the pinwheel to spin!
Pinwheels! I remember pinwheels!
True joy comes at unexpected times and in unexpected packages....pinwheels and little girls are a great combination.
Oh how lovely. The simple pleasures.
Oh I love that idea! I totally want to do that! :D They bring back such good memories from when I was little.
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