sad to say, i'm pretty compulsive about a lot of things, and coffee preparation is one of them. pictured here is the cup i
always use at work. after i pour my coffee, i add creamers, one by one, tapping the bottoms to get the last drips of cream from each. when the first one is empty, i stuff its foil top back into the tiny container, put it down, then start on the second creamer. i do this four times, packing each fluted container into the previous empty one, making a stack, as shown. next comes two yellow packages of sweetener, with the empty sleeves crumpled, then packed into the topmost creamer of the stack. a swish with a spoon and i am done. the lid snaps on just so, with the sip hole lined up at a ninety degree angle to the cup's handle when i hold it in my right hand.
now if people would only make available a pint container of cream for my coffee, i wouldn't have to go through this compulsive ritual. well, the plastic part of it, anyway.
I feel your pain. Coffee is a ritual that should be respected. I know you can't bring your own creamer cuz then everyone will think it's for them. There's always a Stanley Thermos.
lol i liked this post...i too have a ritual...makes the coffee taste better (smile)
Ha ha LOL. OK. Here's my ritual, or just a tiny part of it.
When I buy coffee in the cardboardy cup, I have to have the sip hole in the lid directly opposite the seam on the cup. The reason? None whatsoever. But I will move that lid until it's just right before I'll drink the coffee.
Oh dear.
I DO love the creamer :)
I love the flowers on your header. I am addicted to coffee but I have no rituals. I attack it straight, no sugar, no cream.
Isn't it awful how they get you to be compulsive like that? It drives you mad.
sounds like lot of work for a cup of
coffee . . .
but, i think i'm worse.
pour cream into mug, add teaspoonful
of vanilla sugar and heat for 30 sec.
then add 1/4 teaspoon of vanilla paste
and strong coffee.
so worth it!
I admire your neatness!! I take a little coffee with my cream....
i love creamer in my coffee. hate sugar, though. It has to be a certain color before I like it. The taste only matters half as much as the color.
wow. and i thought i was the only one with coffee idiosyncrasies! nancy: i do the same thing with the sip hole on take out coffee - that way i can drink while i drive and i always know where the sip hole is by the feel of the seam. myletterstoemily: your ritual is definitely worse - but it sound yummy! Googlover, i do understand about the color issue - if it's too dark, more creamers, please!!
You just underestimate the importance of your rituals - coffee and tea ceremonies are a part of most ancient cultures the world over....and we all practice our own. The saddest thing that could happen is for everyone to not take the time it takes for them to have their rituals! And if you want to take something (milk or creamer etc) in to work in larger quantities and not have it filched....try taking it in a baby bottle with a teat and cap on....there are very few people who will drink another's "breast milk" ;) ritual is just as bad. 1/2 n 1/2 in the cup first so it can come to room temp while I make coffee in french press, then also the vanilla powder creamer, then the coffee pressed and poured. But the worse is the yummy McDonalds Iced coffee..the only reason to go there. But it better have enough creamer to make it a nice light brown. Large Iced coffee with surgarfree vanilla please..
my coffee ritual, it has to be steaming, in the early morning otherwise, i'll have two cups or i'll get gas. funny rituals, but never thought about them until now.
I have a ritual too! Coffee-making is a wonderful process. I savour every bit of it right to the last drip of my coffee.
kay: you're so right about McD's iced coffee. i blogged about it three years ago when i first discovered it! yum-o!!
CAM: like nobodybutme, i never thought of coffee creation as a ritual but i do see your point - thanks for that! also, not sure how i feel about the baby bottle solution but you're absolutely right, no one would touch it!
Oh, thank God for fellow compulsive drinkers.
I cannot stand coffee that sits on the burner and gets old. It is the most disgusting taste: burnt coffee.
I must immediately pour my coffee into a carafe and will enjoy my flavored brew from the carafe. :-) Usually Hazlenut!
well you've inspired me to blog my morning ritual of making the coffee, complete with three taps of the coffee scooper on the edge clear glass jar where it's kept. Then the jar gets put back in its place, next to the identical jars of brown sugar, Splenda, etc.
God it's good to be crazy! :)
I've seen my daughter Amy do the same thing with her coffee when we're out! I'm a sleepyhead when I first get up so I can barely pour, stir and sip! Come by grannymountain for a visit!
Sounds like mine, when I drink coffee away from home. I must admit though, that like another commenter I too am a color fanatic. I call it blond, I drink coffee, like a child would, sweet and creamy, kind of like ice cream, just hot!
This is hilarious because I'm THE SAME way! I always put my cream and yellow sweetener in first so that when I pour the coffee, I have less stirring to do. Also, my drink hole HAS to be lined up 90 degrees too! LOVE IT!
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