in a small town like this one, high school graduation is a source of community pride and celebration. for eighteen years, we've seen these young people everywhere - on playgrounds and school buses, at the supermarket with their parents, in church, at the library, on the ballfield and at the beach, getting haircuts, scooping ice cream, bagging groceries, taking our orders and washing our windshields. suddenly one day, they're young adults, leaving school and leaving us, as they should. i just love that the entire community comes together with such pride to celebrate this momentous right of passage with our young people.
naw, thats so sweet.
Well written. x
Definitely an exciting time of year:)
Congrats to the proud grads and their families!
This sounds just wonderful. Wish a grad of hundreds who get lost in the crowd, I would love to have a small town celebration.
That is a good thing. I knew some kids when I graduated high school that did not have the support. That is fantastic! Education is a grand thing!
Chris, I played for a graduation recently. I knew none of the kids, but as I looked at them, it gave me such a profound feeling of hope. Smart, bright, good, young people ready to tackle the world. You could see it in their faces. Loved it.
graduation!!!! seems like i've been studying forever! i like your blog, and how each picture has a short n sweet story! thank you.
When my children left school we lived in a small village and everyone was so supportive about them going off to University - now we live in London so their graduation has gone by unremarked upon (except for family who are naturally bursting with pride) but its nice when everyone takes a pride...
It takes a village as 'someone' once said.
That's definitely the good part about living in a small town.
Yeah, I live in a small town too, flanked by many other small towns where this kind of thing is a regular occurrence. It's great! Great post.
This is great! We live in the heart of Dallas and rarely see the same people twice unless they're employed at the places we frequent.
My sons graduated from a small high school. The bittersweet part is following their friends over the years. These kids have been in my house since grade school and now they are young adults. One has MS, several are drifting aimlessly, many are still living at home...the bad economy in Ohio has made their lives much more difficult. I worry about them all. Like I don't have enough to worry about with my own children.
Congratulations to all graduates and their families.
I graduated in a small class - only nineteen students. Graduations here are not the big deal they seem to be in USA.
Loved this.
As a teacher, it's exciting, but hard to let go of the young people you've been working with. They're ready for that next chapter!
I included this as part of my Friday Five at Kate's Library!
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