saturday morning clean up and a trip to the transfer station. shown are only a few of the magazines to be taken there. because i'm so conscious of the amount of paper i purchase and use, i try hard to find the information i want and need on the internet as opposed to in print. but old house magazines are my downfall. there's something about opening a new magazine for the first time, turning the pages, seeing a photograph, studying its details, reading the article - as much as i would wish it were so, it's just not the same on a computer screen. when i feel guilty about being a paper-consumer in this way, i rationalize that magazines like these are my only paper indulgence. and then i remember post-it notes...
I too have had to figure out my magazine addiction. I kept all of my art mags, gave away hundreds of horsey mags to a horse besotted teen a few years ago, finally got rid of most of my Victoria and country mags, sigh...when I think of how much I had..recycling is good..but painful too!
Let's make everyday Earthday.
It is very important to save our Endangered Earth for this and the next generation. We should ban plastic bag like Bangladesh that already did.
Earthday Weekend
We need to mend
Our dear Earth
To save all hearth
Hi Chris!!
I agree with you! I love internet, but it´s not the same! Opening a new magazine for the first time and feel the smell of amazing!!! Why paper is so addictive?
I'm a Post-it note fiend! I am trying to be greener though. It's hard giving up the feel of a newspaper in between my fingers for a mouse pad, but I'd rather save paper too. Nice post.
i'm the same way with books. there's just something about ideas and thoughts being somewhat tangible that makes me reluctant to technology like the Kindle.
"opening a new magazine for the first time, turning the pages, seeing a photograph, studying its details, reading the article"
I subscribe to my two favourite magazines in print form because it just doesn't seem the same online. But I can't being myself to get rid of them!!
I do recycle EVERYTHING I can including composting all our vegetable stuff, but this is just a dent in reducing my non-environmentally safe footprint. Still use a leaf blower and maintain a lawn...although the flower beds are moving into it!
I'm addicted to magazines too. You are not alone x)
i agree with you completely on magazines. Except in my case with books. Its just not the same reading an online book!
you have a proper blog . i'm so happy to see your blog and i'll be happy,too if
you'll see my blog .
thanks a lot
Real SImple mag had an article in it last month that said regardless of technology, magazine subscriptions rose 30% last year becuase people still take in and enjoy the tangible more than the web. It is great to have the mags and papers. We recycle so we are doing our part.
Some things are just better in print. I don't think I'd ever be able to really get into a Kindle.
Love the sunlight shining on the magazines in the photo.
Most hospital waiting rooms, especially ER waiting rooms would love to have your old but current magazines. Just cut out your address. Many people walk off with the ones that the hospital orders.
I'm honestly not a magazine person, but a friend of mine is. She's actually canceled a couple of hers because she can now read them at the library.
I do like the suggestion of donating them. Don't forget women's shelters. Children's magazines are in need there, too.
I love your blog! You have taken many beautiful pictures and you have a very concise and interesting way of reflecting.
As for magazines, I think it's the glossy, crisp photos that make them so addictive.
The first step in recycling is reuse. So passing them on to someone else to enjoy before the recycling step is always best.
magazines can be lent or carried wherever you go. I still prefer them over the internet, but we save them and sent to the junk dealer and close our eyes. "bili na lang ulit."
Earth Day is a great time to remember what is really important
That is how I feel about books. These new things like the Kindle, the nook and the iPad take the joy away from reading a book. I like the smell of the pages and the texture when I turn them. I like looking at my book shelf and seeing how many books I've read in my lifetime.
I loved this entry. I too indulge in the occassional magazine....purely for my eye's entertainment. However, finding your blog made me wonder if there weren't more things on the internet worth reading. ;)
I believe there is a lot of waste. Eventhough I enjoy the morning paper, computer technology has given us the opportunity to decrease newspaper consumptionWe have seen cancellation of some local newspapers in the new york region. USA today has already sffered declines since 2008, with the Wall Street Journal being the top selling newspaper in the US in 2008, thanks to Maria Bartiromo.
I agree. There are certain magazines that I simply can't help acquiring!
Well said. Post it notes are just fun though aren't they? I like old magazines.. At the library near me people donate magazines to share... besides saving money for myself, donating is also a good way to reduce, reuse or recyle.
I also thoroughly enjoy opening new magazines and absorbing the pictures and articles that appeal to me. It is not the same online. I only subscribe to three magazines, and I justify my indulgence by passing them all on to someone else to enjoy, or I use them in the classroom for collages and projects. That's after cutting out recipes I want!
We have a camp kitchen at the caravan park here and many travellers leave their magazines and books here for others to read. A wonderful way of recycling, and saving money for others.I have to agree though on the feel of opening a new magazine, its wonderful.
I agree about magazines. I don't want to give them (or books) up. I rationalize by telling myself that all this technology has to go somewhere when it dies, and is probably much worse for the environment when dumped into a landfill then books or magazines are.
i adore and my sentiments about internet magazines, are the same as yours. my friend suggested it and an instant protest within screamed exactly what you have written....IT IS NOT THE SAME!
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