the first day of spring and, coincidentally, gloriously warm and sunny weather, made this the perfect day for traveling the back roads with the camera. in my travels, i passed by many lakes, both large and small, and only a few still showed any signs of ice and the winter that's now behind us.
Beautiful photo. Yay for spring!
We have a version of this here in the desert. We try to guess when the first 100 degree day will be. Everyone talks about it, the local radio stations have contests for it. It usually comes sometime in May. I think I'd rather watch for the "ice-out".
Fall covers in yellow
Winter comes with white
Spring comes with green
Summer covers in brown
Thank you
We are having SNOW on this official first day of Spring! That's pretty unusual for North Texas! Before heading to bed I went outside with a load of white towels to cover the pepper plants we foolishly set out! There is a layer of snow covering the lawn and cars! Happy SPRING to all...no matter WHERE we live!
I always like detailed description of nature. Thanks
Spring is wonderful time in Southern California, USA. The flowers bloom naturally on the plains and the hills which would be an empty space in summer.
Bangladesh is a tropical country with a pretty spring too.
Funny, my parents live in the mountains and their version is to bet on when there will be snow falling on the mountain tops (even before it falls where they live down below), or when the first snow will come or when the snow will be gone from all the mountain tops.
So glad for the warmth of Spring to arrive at last!
Great picture. Today was SO beautiful here in New England. I opened up my sliding doors to let my cats come and go on the balcony so we could all enjoy the fresh air. I am so ready for summer.
Glad spring is here..........gd bye to the chilly days and nyt...:)))))))
Similar to Linda, Oklahoma is celebrating the Equinox with a weekend of snowfall. Strange and lovely.
I'm a new reader. Loved your pic. Thanks for posting. Looking forward to more. Cheers!
A beauty to watch, but here we bet during monsoon regarding how much land will be eroded from'Majuli' the river island on 'Brahmaputra' river or which side of the land embankment will be breached by flood or whether 'Kaziranga' forest reserve will be flooded this time or not.What's ever gift of mother nature is a heritage and incomparable.
Beautiful photograph to welcome spring
It's funny - your seasons start on the equinox and solstice; ours (in Australia) start on the first of a month: September, December, March and June (spring, summer, autumn, winter). So we have already been in autumn for twenty-one days. Wouldn't know it though - the temperature here today (western Sydney) was 36*C (100*F) which is not autumn-like!
Beautiful as usual. I was reading a blog from Texas and one day was 71 and the next they got a blizzard. This time of year is always confusing and wonderful. When I go to Yellowstone in April, it will probably be cold there with some snow. I'll never know what season it is. Maybe I'll have a little chart like they do in the nursing home...today is Sunday, it is Spring, the next holiday is Easter.
Glad to see that spring is now in full swing in your area. You deserve it!
Beautiful Picture!
Hi Chris - We have a slightly different approach. Snow and ice sounds cold so we live on Tenerife. Next week we go to our home in England - Spring has arrived and our neighbors in England will breathe a sigh of relief when they see us as the cold weather must be over. Kindest regards Patrick
Here in Northern BC we had beautiful mild weather leading up to Spring....and now it's snow and blustery again. I think that's the hardest part of living this far North....the tease of spring and then back to winter weather until pretty much May.
Great pic! You are such a talented person...
Great Photo! On Friday it was 72 here in NE Oklahoma....Yesterday woke up to 5" of snow with another 4" falling today....tomorrow (Mon) it will be 59 and in the 70's by Tuesday.
Our first day of spring brought 12 inches of snow! Bummer!
It was defiantly like that last week here and then yesterday it snowed.... yes, it snowed.
But today?
Blue skies, sunshine, and 60 degrees.
Gotta love lake effect. :)
since i wrote this post, i have resurrected both my winter coat and gloves - but not boots, thank goodness! on my way to work today, there were snow flakes in the air. so perhaps we're not out of the winter woods yet - as it sounds like some of you are! it's interesting to hear that in other parts of the country (world!), seasonal changes are anticipated just as much as they are here. thank you all for the comments!! Linda Chapman - hope your peppers made it! thanks Lynne, for letting us know about seasons in australia - and to Once in a while for mentioning tenerife, which i had never heard of but had a wonderful time researching. sounds like heaven.....
absolutely gorgeous! thank go for the arrival of nice wheather =]
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