i have little patience with halloween, mainly because adults have taken over what used to be a pretty good children's holiday. in the drug store today buying last minute treats, i saw a witch, a pirate, and a devil, all over thirty. that said, i am dressed for the day in the traditional orange and black and am sporting my halloween socks, the ones that say 'this IS my costume!', mostly because i'll be around children. and i have to say, some halloween decorations, like the one pictured on the mantle, are kind of fun in a bizarre sort of way.
31 October 2013
30 October 2013
first flakes
as i was out walking early this morning, it began to snow - the first flakes of the new season. it was a special moment to actually be outside in the quiet as it slowly began to fall.
27 October 2013
last bloom
here it is: the last plant to flower in the garden. i watch these tiny buds from late summer on, hoping that cold and frost will hold off long enough for them mature and bloom. i'm always so amazed when they do - here it is, the last week in october and i now have flowers. they're tiny, they're leggy, they're spindly, but they're all mine.
25 October 2013
winding roads
life has slowed down this autumn and i've been happy to have time to meander and explore. i love to find new routes and byways, places and roads that i've only heard of or seen squiggled on a map. four times this week, i passed this barn, and the last time pulled over to photograph it. i love the symmetry of the windows, the angles of the roof lines, and the colors, still rich despite their age. the on-point window on the back section makes the whole scene a little quirky. and my eyes kept being drawn down to the vivid marigolds by the sliding door, still in bloom in late fall. to my blogging friend who loves barns - and you know who you are - thanks for the inspiration!
21 October 2013
pond at dusk

14 October 2013
08 October 2013
a glorious day, in many ways. a young man heals. an old friend writes. a surprise reminder of my dad. a brisk walk. productive work. brilliant skies. and a cup of tea in the adirondack chair.
05 October 2013
since october has arrived, it's probably time to put away some of the outside furniture. but this table under the big maple is still one of my favorite places to work on a brilliant sunny afternoon or a crisp still evening. perhaps in a few more weeks...
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