and two weeks ago, i lost the book i've been reading - along with the bookmark. i looked everywhere for the book, retracing my steps, checking in stores and businesses, pulling up cushions and reaching under seats. tonight in desperation, i came close to sending a mass message out to all my friends to watch for it, please. but just now, just as i was readying for bed (and another book-less night) i thought where it might possibly be - and happily, there it was!
it seems a tad silly to be so elated to have found it! after all, the book is only worth $14.95 and i've already downloaded the audio version. but that bookmark - that's absolutely priceless!
So very happy that you found the treasured bookmark (and book)! I really enjoy your "take" on where you live and life, in general.
Such a relief to read you found it, I was feeling crook for you just reading about you losing it! It is the irreplacable stuff that really is horrid to lose though.
I know exactly how you feel because I also have a similar bookmark that I treasure.
There are some things that just can't be replaced - priceless treasures of the heart. I'm glad you found yours!
I'm glad you found them. The bookmark is so pretty :)
I agree. I' so pleased you found it.
some small things are more precious than money...
i actually am also looking for a customized bookmark that I have lost recently. your post reminded me of it. in my case, the little girl who made it was me. the bookmark was small and flimsy and handmade yet priceless as all handmade things are. it read - "the deepest rivers flow with the least sound by Quintus Curtius Rufius" or some such... hope to find it soon and blog it like you did :)
thanks for sharing!
bdsueno: how precious to have something you've made as a child. i hope you find your bookmark. i am still so relieved to have found mine.
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