a few weeks ago, in the midst of a cleaning frenzy, i personally hauled to the dump my large assortment of twenty-year old plastic food storage containers and mismatched lids. the ones with the tomato stains and the melted edges and the carousel holder that always fell apart. it was all taking up too much space in a too-small cabinet and repeated attempts to organize it just did not work well. it was an ordeal to quickly find a container when i needed one and that fact was causing undue kitchen stress.
so i replaced the plastic collection with these glass storage bowls, some round, some oblong. they nest and stack pretty well. they clean up nicely and don't melt in the microwave. but mostly they are easy to get to. and they evoke such a sense of calm that comes from kitchen organization, it makes me wonder what would happen if i cleaned out the junk drawer.
I MUST do this, I have a draw full of rubbish...and the glass looks so nice.
AAAAAhhhhhh! I can feel the relief!
What would happen indeed?
I've bee slowly replacing all my plastic containers also. I love the glass so much more. I think it would be even better if I could find square glass bowls:)
Years ago my father threw a wobbly and threw out two of their three coffee makers - the following week he broke the jug in the one they were using! Be careful about throwing out too much! Although gettign rid of the plastic is liberating
I have been getting rid of plastic in my cupboards as well. I love love love my Pyrex! I actually just bought a second set because I use them so much and cook so much. I've started using the pyrex instead of baggies/ziplocs to cut down on waste. Working wonders and the pyrex keeps food odors from spreading in your fridge (especially cut raw onions).
Square glass bowls! What a novel idea.
I love my pyrex containers! When you finish your junk drawer, feel free to have at mine!
I like pyrex. I did the same recently. One nice thing is that you can see inside of them.. this helps me to eat the left overs etc before they go to waste.
I dislike the plastics. :)
Love the glass bowls, hate the noise they make.
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