on the right, my old gravy boat from my favorite set of dishes. look closely and you'll see that the "boat" itself is riddled with surface crackling in the glaze and the accompanying plate is poorly held together in several spots with super glue. it's been in that condition for decades. often have i thought to replace it but it's a
a bit pricey for the two times a year i serve gravy.
on the left, the identical gravy boat, brand new and purchased for a song at a local antiques shop. now i don't want to wait until thanksgiving to use it. so maybe i'll make strawberry sauce for ice cream!
don't you just love it when you find treasures at a resale/garage sale? I've found so many things that I can't imagine the money I've saved. Good find on your part.
This is so uncommon but pretty nice.
Yes! Use it for all sorts of things. Hot fudge, ranch, gravy for biscuits, BBQ sauce, etc. Get some use out of the beauty!
I also find pieces for my Christmas Heritage dishes at thrift shops. It is an exciting thing for sure. Glad you found it.
good find!
Gravy twice a year, so true. Good find!
I find that kind of purchase an absolute steal! Love the victory!
And I'll be over for the strawberry sauce.
What a find! Congratulations, and of course, find SOMETHING to put in it every day!
very unusual
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