each morning this week i've tried to snap a photo of the raucous crows that have been waking me too early all summer long. screeching and shrill, they arrive at dawn to perch in trees around the yard. boldly, they swoop in and cover the lawn, squawking as they hi-step through the early morning dew. once this week, i awoke to rapid, rhythmic, incessant croaking. peering sleepily through the window i spied a young crow, jumping up and down in front of the blackberry bushes. with each screech, he hopped up and gobbled down a berry. needless to say, there are precious few left for us this year.
time was when crows were a harbinger of fall. a solemn, mournful sound that signaled the end of a summer. which was fine with me because i'm up early then anyway. but on cool july mornings, i love the indulgence of rolling over and closing my eyes for a few minutes more. not this year.
even though there are not yet any crisp fallen leaves with which to stuff the clothes, i'm thinking about making a scarecrow a little early this year.