they're baaaack!

...and they're even closer to the house this time!
turkeys! a whole flock of them right outside the back door! i got quite a few shots before my flash went off and they scattered to the woods, moving quicker than i thought any turkeys could!

lovely picture's.....
It's a delight:)
All I ever get around here is the occasional Upupa epops (an odd-looking bird that sounds like an owl). And they're way to fast to catch on film! :p
These are amazing pictures. You have a real talent.
Wow! How cool!
cool you have turkeys near your house! i mostly get crows...and the occasional kingfisher who gets lost!marl
Love your blog and pictures, keep up the good work.
check my 1st ever blog out at
My 1st year watching NASCAR it will be a challenge.
and they haven't been back since. go figure.
Such majestic birds. They are very difficult to hunt as they have a keen eye and are very intelligent. They usually don't come around houses or roads, but they are more plentiful now than in the past. If you see them, they are usually looking for an alternative food source. Beautiful photos.
rhyter: they've been in compost and under the birdfeeders so they must be pretty hungry. there's still a lot of snow cover in the wood so it must be hard for them to find food. ~chris
My first time here, saw you listed under "blogs of note". Beautiful photos of the turkeys. We had a lot of poultry when I was a kid, and the turkeys were always my favorites.
very clear pics....
Haha, turkeys. My dad likes to honk at them in the car because he thinks it's funny. I saw one fall out of a tree once. lol. other word can describe what I feel when I look at your wildlife shots.
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