forecasters have promised today the sun will shine and temperatures will soar into the 80s. if they are correct (do i sound skeptical?), it may be the first day this month that will feel at all like summer. they say we have had five times as much rain this june as we normally have. it's no wonder the morning glories are less than glorious and the peonies heads are all droopy and sad.
I miss my peonies! Guess it would have been rude to have dug them out and brought them with me, but they remind me of my grandmother, who always had one perfect rpale pink rose-scented bloom floating in a crystal bowl...
i am a late adopter of peonies - but i love them, too. until they shatter, that is.
I'm going to take a picture of Mama's peonies today to encourage you. I'm sitting on their new porch swing gazing at the peony bed. cb
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