for almost a year, i've been planning a little christmas surprise for the girl. finally, this was the week to reveal it. it's coming to you a few days late since i wanted to check with the girl about sharing it.
25 ornaments that may look ordinary to the casual reader, but that hold a special significance here at christmas time. happy advent.
I have missed your blog.. so nice to have it back. Can I take credit for the hand turkey idea??
Thanks to you and the girl for sharing!
What a special and loving idea, so very touching...thank you for sharing such a wonderful gift!
this has to be just about the neatest thing i have seen this Christmas season! md'b
thanks! it's a lot of fun! and what the girl doesn't know yet is that i had to choose 25 photos from about a zillion that i'd taken! fodder for advents yet to come!! :>
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