meteorological conditions are such that a winter storm warning has been posted for much of new england. the potential is there for our first big snow event of the season. we all spring to action - digging out snowshovels and ice scrapers, hanging bird feeders, and finding boots and mittens in backs of closets. here i compost frozen fall pumpkins before they are forgotten under snow and sprout in spring right where they were placed for october decoration. lay in a supply of eggs, flour and sugar lest the christmas cookie mood strike later on. dress the bears warmly for winter. then put on christmas music, watch the sky, and just wait.
it's 84 here!
here i finished putting together a pot of soup, considered temporary homes for holiday treasures, and enjoyed the day in sweats, hoping that when the alarm goes off in the am that i'll lie with squinted eyes to check the tv...
soup and holiday treasures here too - as well as the hope that the snow day phone chain will wake me up rather than the alarm!
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