27 November 2010


inside, they're pajamas.
outside, they're flannel pants.
but only if you're under 15.
or just running to the end of the driveway to pick up the mail.


MAB from OtterCatHaus said...

Yes! Or going through the drive thru at McDonald's. That might be all right, if you throw on a raincoat.

Nellie Dee said...

Cute. I'm with you all the way. It's all about cozy!

Tabor said...

Yes, unfortunately I understand that.

Nancy/BLissed-Out Grandma said...

I love fleece or flannel outfits that I can just wear day and night, all weekend.

Irene said...

I would live in them if I didn't have to walk the dog.

~she~ said...

At least you're not at the grocery store in them! That one gets on my nerves!