27 April 2015

antique shades

my favorite pansies. i'm always so happy to find them again. 

25 April 2015


i have nickels buried all over the world. friends on vacation take my nickels and plant them in beautiful and interesting places i'll never see. it's a long story, but this has been going on for years and years.

my two most recent nickels, just placed weeks ago, were buried by three dear friends on two separate trips to nepal. all afternoon, i've been reading the reports of the earthquake, looking at photos of the devastation, and sending up prayers for the good people of the country - and also thanking heaven for keeping my friends safe as they traveled.

here's the spot in kathmandu where my friend gretchen buried my nickel. she said it was beautiful, and i would love it there.

14 April 2015

at last!

snowdrops, "spring"ing from the soil on shady side of the house, where the snow is just beginning to melt. what a wonderful surprise to see them there this morning...i had forgotten i planted them!

12 April 2015

hide 'n go seek

she wanted to play, and here's how she hid. camouflage, she told me.

11 April 2015

feeling hopeful

as i write this, bright blue sky is turning a steely gray, a winter sky again. but these photos i took not fifteen minutes ago show the skies i awoke to, the hopeful skies, the brilliant ones, blue with white clouds sailing effortlessly. i do hope today is spring.

05 April 2015

easter 2015

happy easter!
the tradition continues. i am amazed. two friends i have long suspected are in different states this easter morning.