valentine's day today is overshadowed by a raging nor'easter, with snow and sleet and wind. schools and businesses are closed. roads are horrible and my car is stuck diagonally across the driveway, waiting for someone to come and pull me out. historically, by mid february, i am
very sick of winter and i'm afraid this year is no exception. bring spring!
valentine cardinals. my favorite. |
but the little girl and i have an impromptu valentine's celebration since she's disappointed to be missing her school party with her friends. we munch red and pink m&ms as we make valentine cards, sit in heart-stockinged feet as we read stories on the couch (me to her
and her to me!), and exchange homemade valentine cards. we take a
heart walk from room to room, spotting all the heart cookie cutters, framed heart prints, and small heart decorations. finally, she notices that we've left a snowy bit on the kitchen floor that has melted into a heart-shaped puddle. i mean, really - what are the chances? happy heart day to you!