23 December 2006

the night before christmases

these four copies of the night before christmas are all iilustrated by different artists. same story, different drawings. the girl and i have at least fifty maybe sixty more copies of the same story, each with drawings and paintings and photos unique to the illustrator. every christmas for years and years weve given each other another new version. i have my favorites - the one by tasha tudor, another by mary englebrieght, another by anita lobel - and the one illustrated by the girl herself when she was seven. we have versions old and new, large and small, flat and pop-up. versions with reindeer and mice as reindeer and dogs as reindeer. some with donner, others with donder, and still others with dunder. each one so different from the other yet they all convey the same familiar story. im hoping santa brings me the will moses version this christmas. hint, hint.

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