30 January 2014


winters like this one, i need to look for all the joy i can find. i just stood in the window for too long, watching the bright morning sun glint and shine through this icicle. by the time i got a decent shot, the sun had shifted. but i'm posting it anyway!

happy that january is almost behind us and hoping that groundhog day is good and cloudy!


R. J. said...

Good for you. I just spent ten minutes on the south side of my house trying to photograph two icicles that must be 40 inches long. The sun was shining through them and it is pretty.

Random Ghel said...

It's summer on my side of the world, but my heart is as heavy as a snow clad surface.... I'm hoping winter will be a better season to me...

Natalie said...

It's been so nice to see icicles this year. I haven't seen any for years, and it's kind of strange that the first time I see them for so long is in Florida of all places!